Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The remaining portion of May and all of June have been one whirlwind after another. We received orders to leave Hurlburt Field and our home in Gulf Breeze, FL to move to Ft. Polk in Louisiana. Yes, this is an army base. No, I have no clue why they would send an Airmen to an army base. What we do know is that there is a unit there that works with all branches of the military and that is what Chad will be assigned to. On top of the awful news of having to move from a place we have grown to love came with the uncertainty of myself not having a job. I have prayed, my whole life, to be a stay at home mother. I have now gotten my wish, as the community we are moving to is extremely rural and job opportunities are scarce. Trust me, I have tried. For me to gauge the value of me being away from Selena Kate, I have to know that what I am doing is what God is calling me to do, not just a job. It is more valuable to be at home with our precious blessing than to just go get a job. I am excited at this new prospect of being a stay at home mother. I am excited to have this time with my family.
Chad and I went to visit Leesville, LA (the town immediately outside of the post) and it was small. There was a nice square area, that was very southern and reminded me of the town my grandfather lives in in Georgia. The town does not have much to offer but does have a Wal-Mart, some fast food restaurants and a very small movie theater. I am hoping that this transition will help Chad and I to "get back to the basics" and focus on what are God's desires for our life. I am hoping this will remind us of our true priorities and how to make some sacrifices in order to have our family strengthened. We will be living "on post" and tried to see the inside of the houses but the housing office would not allow us. I found this frustrating and kind of annoying as we will be downsizing our square footage significantly from where we live now, and I need to know what kind of layout and rooms are there so I know what furniture to bring! But housing would  not budge on this issue. To add to the stress of this, there is a wait list for housing of up to two weeks and you cannot be added to the list until you arrive at Ft. Polk. This means, myself, SK, Chad and our two dogs will be living out of a Holiday Inn for up to two weeks. I am praying diligently that this will not last two weeks and will be given a home.
Onto the next thing, we are selling our home, (that we love so very much) in Gulf Breeze so that we can be confident in our move from two incomes to one. We have not had much luck on selling it thus far and are praying very hard that God will provide a buyer for our home. So LOTS of changes are taking place. We are trying very hard to stay positive and view this as an opportunity to strengthen our family life.

Chad's First Father's Day!

SK posing for the camera!

Laughing at Marley

Lounging and watching Mickey Mouse

BUSTED! Having too much fun in the excersaucer ;)

Taking pics on Navarre Beach

Selena Kate has blossomed in so many ways. Her hair has thickened up and is growing so much. She is in her 6 month clothing and she is not even 6 months yet. She is happy and smiles all day everyday. I could go days without hearing a cry and she is even teething and does not cry much. Her first bottom tooth cut through this week and it has made her uncomfortable but she has not been overly fussy. This month she learned that rolling was her best mode of transportation and that since Mimi (Chad's Mom) and Grandy (Amy's Mom) have been with her and us for the last 2 months that she does not have to be put down. She has gotten quite accustomed to being held or having some sort of motion and this may be tough to break when we get to Ft. Polk and Mama has things to do around the house. Whew! We have a long ride ahead of us! She LOVES bath time now again and loves her toys in the water with her. She even figured out how to pull the chain on the drain plug. STINKER! She is just the light of our lives and we cherish every moment with her.

While this move is stressful for us, it has also been stressful on our families. Our mothers have been in our homes residing with us as we prepare for this move and have been an immense help. We could not ever express the gratitude that we have felt for their presence and support. They have been Selena's best buddy on top of that. We are anxiously awaiting the movers coming to pack us up on July 6th and this day will be the day, my mother has to go home as well. What a sad day that will be! Somehow though, we have to hold on to the hope that this new place is a new chance for us to build the beautiful life we have always wanted that focuses on God, family and just being in HIS presence wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

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